Sunday, December 5, 2010

Speaking words of wisdom let it be......

December 5, 2010
Speaking words of wisdom let it be….
                No crazy adventures in other countries this week but what a strange week it has been in Dublin. As I mentioned in my last post there was snow in Dublin when we got back from London. Well as it turns out it was snowy all week. I have heard, not sure how true this is but, this is the most snow Ireland has ever gotten. I don’t know about EVER but it is definitely the most they have gotten in a while. I have loved it! It has reminded me of home. However, as it snowed more and got colder Ireland began to shut down. Stacie and I did not go to our internship at all this week, mostly due to cold weather and the Dublin buses not running. Also, the entire university shut down from about Wednesday afternoon until tomorrow. So I have almost had another week off of school.  A little mini vacation if you will. So I have had plenty of time to sleep and get some school work done; which I have actually got a lot of work done. I have learned in the past week that I am much better at being busy than I am at not having anything to do. The first few days were all well and good but the past couple days I have been going a little stir crazy. I am ready for life to start again. I am ready to go to class.
                On Wednesday I got to have another Thanksgiving dinner. That is right, I am in a country that does not celebrate the holiday but I celebrated it twice. My roommates were so nice and thought that since I was not able to be with my family on a holiday like Thanksgiving we would have an apartment family Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone did something; Laura chopped onions and cubed potatoes, Ruth peeled potatoes and got a delicious dessert, Sarah set the table, I washed the dishes and Carla pretty much did everything else. Let me tell you it was such a brilliant dinner. I am not saying I did not enjoy the first one, I did, but this one was better. As things would have it, our cooker broke in the middle of cooking dinner. Perfect. I told my roommates that it seems like the same thing could very well happen on Thanksgiving at home too.  No fear the girls moved cooking into another apartment nearby.  We all were definitely in a food coma for a couple hours afterwards as well. It was a great night and a Thanksgiving I will never forget. I still cannot get over how nice of them it was to think of me.
                Today Jackie and I decided to go to mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral; something we have been talking about since we got here. It was a different mass than either of us had ever seen but it was still a great experience. It is a beautiful cathedral and I am so glad that we went. Afterwards we found the Hard Rock Café Dublin; of course we had to eat there before leaving in a few weeks.  I had Mac and cheese. I know some of you are thinking “Mac and cheese Keely? Really? Are you still seven?” But they do not really have Mac and cheese in Ireland and since the Hard Rock is a chain they had Mac and cheese. Yes I had it and yes, it was delicious.
                It seems so strange that two weeks from now I will be waking up in my own house. I am starting to get really excited to go home and see my family. I am starting to dream of a white Colorado Christmas. I just hope the white part happens. As excited as I am to go home, I still have so much fun to have here and memories to make.  This weekend Jackie and I are taking our last trip together to Paris, we have a big program dinner, I still have papers to write, X factor to watch, and many trips into the city centre. What a fantastic two weeks I have a head of me.
                I hope you all are well and that you have had a great week. I cannot wait to see you all soon and to be able to share stories in person!

Until next week,
This is the park near school where I sometimes run

Family Thanksgiving

St. Patrick's Cathedral

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